Audio Description & Touch Tours
Mention opera and most people think of singing and music – but this is only part of the overall experience. What about scenery, costumes, lighting, direction and choreography?
For those living with sight loss, our audio description service provides a live commentary, describing the action on stage without compromising the music. As part of the experience, a recorded introduction to the opera is provided in advance and there is a live audio introduction before the start of the performance. When you arrive at your chosen performance please make yourself known to a member of the Front of House team and they will provide you with your audio description headset.
At full-length performances, listed below, audience members can also book a free touch tour – an opportunity to go backstage and become more familiar with the set, scenery, props and costumes. This aims to help visually impaired audience members immerse themselves in the world presented on stage, with audio describers, stage management and wardrobe staff present to answer any questions and share descriptions or interpretations of the space.
Guide dogs are welcome at all of our venues.
'To attend with my guide dog, be on stage to “see” costumes and props, to hear the amazing orchestra and singing and to have the audio description describe every nuance was captivating. Thank you!'
- Audience member after the touch tour for La traviata in 2024
Coming up...
Please book in advance for the audio described performances and touch tours listed below by calling the venue box offices:
Don Pasquale
His Majesty's Theatre, Aberdeen:
21 November 2024, 7.15pm - touch tour at 6pm
Book now
The Makropulos Affair
Theatre Royal Glasgow:
22 February 2025, 7.15pm - touch tour at 6pm
Book now
Festival Theatre Edinburgh:
1 March 2025, 7.15pm - touch tour at 6pm
Book now
The Merry Widow
Theatre Royal Glasgow:
4 May 2025, 3pm - touch tour at 1.45pm
Access Opera performance: 15 May 2025, 3pm
Book now
Eden Court, Inverness:
24 May 2025, 7.15pm - touch tour at 6pm
Book now
Festival Theatre Edinburgh:
1 June 2025, 3pm - touch tour at 1.45pm
Access Opera performance: 15 May 2025, 3pm
Book now
His Majesty's Theatre, Aberdeen:
14 June 2025, 7.15pm - touch tour at 6pm
Book now
Trial by Jury / A Matter of Misconduct!
Theatre Royal Glasgow:
16 May 2025, 7.15pm - touch tour at 6pm
Book now
Festival Theatre Edinburgh:
6 June 2025, 7.15pm - touch tour at 6pm
Book now
For more information, please contact Scottish Opera reception on 0141 248 4567 or
Listen to our audio-described resources
Listen to a recorded introduction of Albert Herring, including a synopsis and details about the sets, costumes, music and an interview with Director Daisy Evans:
Listen to a recorded introduction of Don Pasquale, including a synopsis and details about the sets, costumes, music and an interview with Assistant Director Kathleen Stakenas:
Listen to a recorded introduction of The Makropulos Affair, The Merry Widow and Trial by Jury / A Matter of Misconduct!:
Watch our audio described films

L'elisir d'amore
Hansel & Gretel
Cosi fan tutte
The Diary of One Who Disappeared
JanáčekInterested in getting involved?
We are always looking for new audio describers to join our dedicated team. If you have some time to spare and would like to find out what is involved, please contact the team using the form below.